Britney Vs Spears is a Netflix documentary that delves into the legal battle surrounding pop icon Britney Spears' conservatorship, which has been in place since 2008. The film features exclusive interviews with people who have been close to Britney, such as her former assistant, her lawyer, and a blogger who has been following her case for years.

The documentary explores the controversial conservatorship that grants Britney's father, Jamie Spears, control over her personal and financial affairs, and why some fans and advocates have been pushing for its end. It also investigates the role of the media in shaping the public perception of Britney and contributing to her mental health struggles.

The filmmakers uncover new evidence that sheds light on the conservatorship and its impact on Britney's life and career. They also examine the #FreeBritney movement, which advocates for the end of the conservatorship and has gained traction on social media.

Overall, Britney Vs Spears offers a comprehensive look at one of the most high-profile and contentious legal battles in recent years, and raises important questions about the rights of individuals under conservatorship and the power dynamics at play in the entertainment industry.

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