Bright is a Netflix original fantasy action movie directed by David Ayer and written by Max Landis. The movie is set in an alternate present-day where orcs, elves, and other magical creatures live side by side with humans.

The movie follows two LAPD cops: veteran officer Daryl Ward, played by Will Smith, and his new partner, the first orc police officer Nick Jakoby, played by Joel Edgerton. The two cops find themselves embroiled in a turf battle that has been prophesied for centuries.

The story starts when Ward is shot on the job and is forced to return to work with his new partner Jakoby. Orcs are not trusted by the humans, and neither are they welcomed by other magical creatures. Ward and Jakoby respond to a disturbance call that leads them to find a magic wand, which is considered a powerful weapon in the world of Bright.

As Ward and Jakoby attempt to return the wand to safety, they find themselves pursued by various factions of magical beings who want the wand for their own purposes. One of these factions is a gang led by an elf, who happens to be one of Jakoby's old friends. There is also an evil force that wants to use the wand to bring about the end of the world.

The movie is a fast-paced action-packed thriller that explores themes of race, societal inequality, and the power of magic. Bright is a unique and entertaining movie that has gained a cult following since its release in 2017.

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