Brewster McCloud is a 1970 satirical comedy film directed by Robert Altman. The movie follows the story of Brewster, a young man who lives in an underground fallout shelter built beneath the Houston Astrodome. He dreams of flying, and he spends his days constructing a pair of wings that he believes will allow him to take off within the confines of the stadium.

Brewster is assisted in his quest by his friend Louise, and he shares his dream with several other people, including an entomologist named Frank Shaft, and a wealthy philanthropist named Abraham Wright. But as Brewster becomes more consumed with his obsession, he begins to exhibit increasingly erratic and dangerous behavior.

Meanwhile, a series of murders occur within the Astrodome, and Brewster emerges as the chief suspect. The police, led by a bumbling detective named Lieutenant Frank Shaft, investigate the murders and ultimately track Brewster down.

The movie is notable for its surreal and absurdist tone, as well as its imaginative use of the Houston Astrodome as a setting. The film features an impressive cast, including Bud Cort as Brewster, Sally Kellerman as Louise, Michael Murphy as Abraham Wright, and Shelley Duvall as Suzanne Davis, a tour guide who becomes involved in Brewster's scheme.

Overall, Brewster McCloud is a quirky and offbeat film that blends humor, fantasy, and social commentary. Its vision of a boy who dreams of taking flight within the confines of a massive sports arena remains a charming and memorable cinematic creation.

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