Breeders is a horror movie released in 1986, directed by Tim Kincaid. The film follows Dr. Gamble Pace (Teresa Farley), a gynecologist who teams up with police detective Dale Andriotti (Lance Lewman) to investigate a series of violent attacks on virgins in Manhattan. The perpetrator is described as otherworldly, with strange powers that allow him to impregnate the victims within a matter of seconds.

As the investigation progresses, Pace and Andriotti discover that the perpetrator's DNA is unlike anything they've ever seen before, suggesting that he might not be of this world. The victims, meanwhile, begin to exhibit strange behavior, entering a trance-like state and leaving the hospital on their own. As the body count rises, the two protagonists must race against time to prevent the monster from striking again.

Breeders is known for its over-the-top gore and explicit sexual content, which caused controversy upon its release. The movie is not for the faint of heart, featuring scenes of graphic violence and nudity throughout. Despite its low budget and B-movie aesthetics, Breeders has become a cult classic among horror fans who appreciate its campy charm and outlandish premise.

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