Breaking Wind is a hilarious parody of the Twilight franchise that takes the supernatural love story and turns it into a gut-busting comedy. The movie follows a teenage girl named Belle Goose as she moves to the town of Beaver Mills and encounters the mysterious and brooding vampire, Edward Sullen.

As Belle and Edward fall in love, they must navigate the dangerous world of vampire and werewolf politics, including dealing with the evil Volturi and the unpredictable, shape-shifting Jacob White. Along the way, they are aided by their wacky and eccentric friends, including a psychic who can see the future and a vampire who always wears sunglasses.

Breaking Wind is chock-full of hilarious gags and one-liners that poke fun at the original Twilight series, as well as other pop culture references. From Bella's awkward stumbling to Edward's sparkling chest, no facet of the original story is safe from the movie's irreverent humor.

The movie also features a star-studded cast of comedic actors, including Heather Ann Davis as Belle Goose, Eric Callero as Edward Sullen, and Frank Pacheco as Jacob White. With its clever writing, wacky characters, and ridiculous plot twists, Breaking Wind is a must-see for fans of the Twilight franchise and anyone who loves a good spoof.

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