Breaking Surface is a thrilling survival movie directed by Joachim Hedén. The film centers around two half-sisters named Ida and Tuva, played by Moa Gammel and Madeleine Martin, respectively. Ida is a successful engineer who lives in Stockholm and Tuva is an adventurous young woman who persuades her elder sister to join her on a diving trip to a remote location in northern Norway.

Their trip starts off fine, with both sisters diving underwater in their wetsuits, equipped with torches and oxygen tanks. However, things take a turn for the worst when a rockslide traps Tuva beneath the ice, leaving her unconscious and running out of oxygen. Ida is faced with an impossible decision, either to stay with Tuva and both risk running out of oxygen, or to leave her behind and try to seek help.

Ida eventually decides to leave her sister behind and tries to make it to the surface, but she quickly realizes that she is lost and disorientated. With no communication devices and limited supplies, Ida is left to try and survive in the harsh winter conditions.

As the days progress, both sisters are faced with their own physical and psychological challenges, hoping that someone will come to their rescue. Meanwhile, their mother and other rescue teams are frantically searching for them, while battling against the elements and time.

Breaking Surface is a tense and engrossing survival story that showcases the spirit of human endurance and the strength of familial bonds.

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