Breaking News is a Hong Kong action thriller movie directed by Johnnie To and released in 2004. The movie mainly centers around the rivalry between the police force and media in the city. The plot revolves around a high-profile and violent bank robbery that turns a police battalion into a fodder for media ridicule and public humiliation. In order to regain their lost reputation, the police force launches a manhunt for the robbers, led by detective Cheung.

As Cheung delves deeper into the investigation, he discovers the whereabouts of the robbers and stages a well-coordinated operation to catch them red-handed. However, the media, including Inspector Rebecca's news team, have also caught wind of the police operation and position themselves directly in front of the hideout to cover the event live.

The situation escalates when the robbers get wind of the police infiltration and forcefully take an innocent woman hostage. With the media's cameras rolling, the police must now save the hostage, catch the robbers, and prevent a potential bloodbath for the viewers at home.

Breaking News features a stellar cast, including Richie Ren as detective Cheung and Kelly Chen as Inspector Rebecca. The movie is renowned for its fast-paced action sequences, explosive gun battles, and tense dramatic moments. It is often cited as one of Johnnie To's best works, and a prime example of Hong Kong cinema's ability to blend suspense, action, and social commentary into a tightly-woven narrative.

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