Breach is a science fiction thriller movie directed by John Suits and written by Edward Drake and Corey Large. The film features Bruce Willis as Clay Young, a mechanic who is tasked with maintaining an interstellar ark that is transporting the last remaining humans away from the dying Earth. The ark is bound for a new planet where humans can start anew.

As the ark is travelling through space, Clay and the crew encounter a shapeshifting alien creature that has stowed away on the ship. The creature has the ability to mimic any life form it comes in contact with, and it begins to kill members of the crew one by one.

With no one to turn to except each other, Clay teams up with the head of security, Admiral Adams (Thomas Jane), to hunt down the extraterrestrial creature and stop it from killing any more humans. Together, they devise a plan to neutralize the alien and save the remaining crew.

As the situation becomes more desperate, Clay and Admiral Adams realize that the alien is not the only threat on board the ship. There are other hidden dangers lurking in the shadows, and they must uncover the truth about what’s really going on before it’s too late.

Breach is a thrilling adventure that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats as they root for humanity to survive against all odds. The movie was released in 2020 and received mixed reviews from critics, but was praised for its entertaining storyline and tense atmosphere.

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