Brave is a 2012 animated film produced by Pixar Animation Studios and directed by Mark Andrews and Brenda Chapman. The film tells the story of a courageous young princess named Merida, who defies an ancient custom and unintentionally unleashes chaos in her kingdom. In the midst of this chaos, Merida must find a way to use her archery skills and quick wit to overcome the obstacles in her path and restore order to her kingdom.

Merida is a strong-willed, independent character who chafes under the restrictions imposed on her by her mother, Queen Elinor. Elinor is determined to prepare Merida to be a proper princess, but Merida longs for adventure and freedom. When Merida defies an age-old tradition that requires the first-born of each clan to compete for her hand in marriage, she inadvertently sets off a chain of events that threatens to tear her kingdom apart.

Merida seeks out the help of a wise old woman in the hopes of finding a solution to her problems. But when the old woman grants Merida's wish, things take a turn for the worse. Soon Merida is embroiled in a dangerous adventure that requires all of her skills and courage to survive.

As Merida travels through the mystical Scottish Highlands, she encounters a host of memorable characters, including the kingdom's three lords: the enormous Lord MacGuffin, the surly Lord Macintosh, and the disagreeable Lord Dingwall. Merida must work with these lords in order to save her kingdom and restore peace to her land.

Brave explores themes of family, duty, tradition, and the power of individual will. The film was praised for its strong female protagonist, lush visuals, and memorable score. It was also notable for being the first Pixar film with a female protagonist and the first film to be co-directed by a woman.

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