Brand of Shame is a western film released in 1968. The story revolves around a schoolteacher named Miss Kitty who arrives in the small town of Rimrock. She brings with her the map to a nearby gold mine that she inherited from her father. The news of the map quickly spreads throughout town, with various individuals eager to get their hands on it.

One of these individuals is the lesbian dance-hall owner, Dolores, who sees an opportunity to get rich quick. She hires a group of bandits to steal the map from Miss Kitty. However, when the plan goes awry, Dolores takes matters into her own hands and seduces Miss Kitty to obtain the map.

As the two women grow closer, Dolores begins to question her motives and realizes that her feelings for Miss Kitty are genuine. However, their relationship is threatened by the arrival of the bandits and the dangerous journey to the gold mine.

In addition to the main plot, the film also tackles issues of racism and sexism in the Wild West. Overall, Brand of Shame is a unique take on the classic western genre that explores the complexities of human relationships and greed.

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