The teenage horror-movie fan is named Michael, played by Edward Furlong, who is bored and lonely in his suburban life. He comes across an advertisement for a new interactive horror game called Brainscan in a Fangoria magazine. He orders the game and eagerly begins to play it, but soon realizes that the game is different than any other.

As Michael plays the game, he becomes hypnotized and immersed in a realistic horror experience. The game's host, a mysterious figure named The Trickster, played by T. Ryder Smith, encourages Michael to commit increasingly violent acts in order to win the game. But when Michael wakes up from the game, he discovers that one of the murders depicted in the game has actually taken place.

As Michael attempts to figure out what has happened and clear his name, he realizes that he cannot control his actions as The Trickster continues to encourage him to commit more murders. Michael becomes increasingly paranoid and fearful as the line between reality and the game blurs.

The film explores themes of violence in media and the effects it can have on young people, as well as the power of hypnosis and suggestion. The film ends with a twist revelation that shakes Michael's world to its core. Overall, Brainscan is a tense and atmospheric horror film that explores the intersection of technology, psychology, and violence.

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