
Horror,Comedy  New Zealand 

"Braindead" is a horror-comedy film directed by Peter Jackson and released in 1992. The movie is set in a small town in New Zealand and follows Lionel Cosgrove, a shy and awkward young man who lives with his overbearing mother, Vera. One day, he takes Vera to the zoo where she is bitten by a Sumatran rat-monkey. Vera begins to feel ill and dies shortly after, only to rise from the dead as a zombie.

Lionel tries to keep his mother's condition a secret, but soon the infection spreads to other townspeople and chaos ensues. Lionel, with the help of his love interest, Paquita, and a local priest, Father McGruder, attempts to control the situation and find a cure for the zombie outbreak.

As the movie progresses, the violence and gore escalate along with the number of zombies. Lionel becomes a skilled zombie fighter, using household items such as lawnmowers and blenders as weapons. The climax of the movie takes place at the Cosgrove family home, where Lionel's mother and the other zombies are holed up, and a final confrontation ensues.

"Braindead" is notorious for its over-the-top gore and dark humor. The film has become a cult classic and is regarded as one of Peter Jackson's early masterpieces.

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