The film, released in 1981, was directed by Lawrence Kasdan and starred William Hurt as the small-town lawyer named Ned Racine and Kathleen Turner as the seductive and manipulative woman named Matty Walker. The movie takes place in a fictional small Florida town called Miranda Beach during a sweltering summer. Ned falls for Matty immediately after seeing her for the first time, and enters into a passionate affair with her despite her being married to a wealthy businessman named Edmund (played by Richard Crenna).

Matty convinces Ned to help her kill her husband so that she can obtain his wealth. Ned initially resists the idea but eventually agrees as his obsession with Matty clouds his judgment. The two plan the murder together, and Ned carries it out. However, things quickly unravel as Ned is caught up in a dangerous web of deceit and betrayal.

The film is known for its intense heat-centric atmosphere, as well as its use of classic film noir techniques. It was highly praised for its performances, particularly Turner's performance as the femme fatale. Body Heat is often cited as an influential and well-regarded example of neo-noir cinema.

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