Body Brokers is a crime thriller movie directed and written by John Swab. The film tells the story of Utah and Opal, two young drug addicts living on the streets in rural Ohio. After a violent altercation, Utah ends up in rehab and meets Wood, a charismatic and mysterious man who runs a scheme to recruit addicts and sell their insurance policies to rehab centers for a huge profit.

Wood offers Utah a way out of his current situation, promising him a luxurious life in Los Angeles and the opportunity to get clean. Utah takes the chance and travels to LA, where he meets Vin, a ruthless treatment center mogul who runs a vast network of rehab facilities and medical clinics. Vin introduces Utah to the world of body brokering, a scheme where addicts are lured into treatment facilities, and their insurance policies are used to pay for unnecessary procedures and tests, resulting in huge profits for the providers.

As Utah becomes more involved in the body brokering business, he discovers the dark and corrupt side of the industry. He becomes conflicted, realizing that the people he's helping are being exploited for profit, and he sets out to expose the truth about body brokering.

Body Brokers features an all-star cast, including Jack Kilmer as Utah, Alice Englert as Opal, Michael Kenneth Williams as Wood, and Frank Grillo as Vin. The movie offers a gripping and thought-provoking take on the issue of drug addiction and the corrupt practices in the rehab industry.

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