Body at Brighton Rock is a 2019 American thriller film directed by Roxanne Benjamin. The film follows a young park ranger named Wendy, who is assigned to patrol a remote mountain trail in a state park. Despite her lack of experience, Wendy is excited about the opportunity to spend time in nature. However, her excitement quickly turns into terror when she discovers a dead body in a secluded area of the park.

With no cell phone service, and no other fellow rangers or campers nearby, Wendy must guard the body overnight until help arrives. As the night progresses, Wendy begins to confront some of her deepest fears, including the fear of being alone in the wilderness. She starts hearing strange noises, feeling like she's being watched, and experiences hallucinations.

Throughout the night, Wendy is forced to confront the reality of the situation, and the possibility that the killer might still be nearby. As she tries to stay alive, she must also deal with her own personal demons and insecurities. In the end, Wendy learns valuable lessons about bravery, self-reliance, and survival.

Overall, Body at Brighton Rock is a gripping film that combines elements of survival horror, suspense, and psychological drama. The movie features strong performances from its cast, especially Karina Fontes, who delivers a nuanced and believable portrayal of Wendy.

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