Blue Sky is a drama film directed by Tony Richardson and released in 1994. The film is set in the 1950s and revolves around Hank and Carly Marshall, a married couple living on an Army base. Hank, a nuclear scientist, is assigned to work on weapons testing at various locations, while Carly struggles to adapt to the strict and regimented lifestyle of a military base.

Hank becomes increasingly concerned about the dangers of atmospheric testing and attempts to raise the issue with his superiors, who dismiss his concerns and attempt to suppress his reports. Meanwhile, Carly becomes restless and begins a flirtation with a high-ranking Army officer, causing tension and conflict in both her personal and professional life.

As their problems mount, Hank and Carly's relationship becomes strained, with each blaming the other for their troubles. Eventually, the situation comes to a head when Hank publicly confronts his superiors about the dangers of atmospheric testing, and Carly's infidelity is exposed.

Blue Sky features strong performances from its lead actors, with Tommy Lee Jones playing Hank and Jessica Lange playing Carly. The film won Lange the Academy Award for Best Actress in a Leading Role and was praised for its nuanced portrayal of the difficulties faced by military families during the Cold War.

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