Blue Hill Avenue is a 2001 crime drama film directed by Craig Ross Jr. and starring Allen Payne, Michael Taliferro, and William Forsythe. The film follows the story of four childhood friends – Tristan, Money, E-Bone, and Simon – who grow up on Blue Hill Avenue, a notorious street in Boston known for drug dealing, violence, and crime. They all start out running drugs for local gangs, but as they grow older, they move up in the criminal world and become major players themselves.

One fateful weekend, the four friends are invited to a luxury island by Tristan's boss, Monroe, to celebrate a major drug deal that they just completed. However, things take a deadly turn when Monroe is shot in the head by an unknown assailant. The group realizes that they could be considered suspects in the murder and decides to pretend that Monroe is still alive. They hide his body and use strings and puppetry to make him appear to be alive whenever anyone else is present.

As the weekend progresses, the killer learns that Monroe is still alive and begins targeting him repeatedly, causing the friends to come up with increasingly elaborate schemes to cover up the truth. This results in a series of twists and turns, with the friends trying to stay one step ahead of the killer while also fending off suspicion from the local police.

Overall, Blue Hill Avenue is a gripping thriller that explores the complex relationships between friends who are caught up in a high-stakes world of crime, betrayal, and violence. It is a tense, gritty, and realistic portrayal of life on the streets and the consequences of choosing a life of crime.

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