Blue Gate Crossing is a coming-of-age Taiwanese film that explores themes of love and sexuality in high school. The story centers around two teenage girls, Meng Kerou and Lin Yuezhen. Meng is a high school student who has a crush on a boy named Zhang Shihao. Lin, her best friend, becomes curious about her own sexuality and starts to question if she might have feelings for Meng.

As Meng tries to capture the attention of her crush, the friendship between Meng and Lin becomes strained as Lin's feelings for Meng grow stronger. When Lin finally confesses her feelings to Meng, Meng is caught off-guard and struggles to navigate her own feelings while also trying to remain true to herself.

The movie explores the difficulties of coming out in a society that is not entirely accepting of homosexuality, especially within the context of an Asian culture. It also highlights the pressures of academic life and the challenges of navigating relationships and sexuality during adolescence.

Overall, Blue Gate Crossing is a heartwarming and poignant film that offers a unique perspective on the struggles of young love and coming out.

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