Blown Away is a 1994 action thriller film directed by Stephen Hopkins and starring Jeff Bridges, Tommy Lee Jones, and Lloyd Bridges. The film follows former Boston bomb squad member Jimmy Dove, who now teaches history at a local school. Despite his efforts to move on from his dangerous past, Dove is pulled back into the bomb-squad world when a serial bomber begins planting explosives around the city.

Dove is forced to work alongside his former mentor and friend, Ryan Gaerity, to stop the bomber and save innocent lives. However, Dove suspects that Gaerity may be behind the bombings, as his mentor has a troubled history with the law and a personal vendetta against Dove. As the stakes grow higher and the situation becomes more dangerous, Dove must confront Gaerity and his own past to save himself and the people he cares about.

The film features intense action sequences, intricate bomb defusal scenes, and a complex web of relationships between the characters. The tension between Dove and Gaerity builds throughout the film, culminating in a thrilling final showdown that tests their allegiances and skills. Blown Away received mixed reviews upon its release but has since gained a cult following for its suspenseful plot, strong performances, and explosive action.

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