Bloomington follows the life of Jackie Kirk, a former child actress, who decides to go to college to find her independence from her controlling mother. She quickly becomes infatuated with her literature professor, Catherine Stark, who is openly gay and has a reputation for dating her students. Despite warnings from her roommate, Jackie pursues a relationship with Catherine, enjoying the thrill of being with an older woman.

Their relationship blossoms and is kept mostly secret until Catherine's ex-husband and father of her child shows up unexpectedly, complicating things for both of them. Meanwhile, Jackie's former agent contacts her with an opportunity to return to acting in Los Angeles, which she sees as a chance to finally break free from her troubled past.

As Jackie prepares for her big audition, Catherine becomes increasingly worried about losing her and tries to convince her to stay in Bloomington. However, Jackie ultimately decides to pursue her dreams, breaking Catherine's heart in the process. The film ends with Jackie on her way to L.A., unsure of what her future holds. Overall, Bloomington is a poignant drama exploring themes of sexuality, desire, and personal fulfillment.

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