Bloody Nose, Empty Pockets is a 2020 American documentary-style drama film directed by Bill Ross IV and Turner Ross. The film portrays a group of bar patrons and employees on the last night of operation at a small dive bar in Las Vegas, Nevada, called The Roaring 20s.

The film blurs the line between documentary and fiction as it follows a group of characters, including a bartender, a regular, a retired merchant seaman, a stripper, among others, who share their stories, jokes, and toasts in a space where they feel a sense of belonging. The bar serves as a safe haven for these individuals who have struggled with addiction, loss, and loneliness.

As the night progresses, the patrons slowly become more intoxicated, and the conversations become more profound, revealing deeper layers of their lives. The film captures the raw emotions of these characters and the intimate space of the bar.

The filmmakers shot the film over the course of eighteen hours using multiple cameras. The film's title, Bloody Nose, Empty Pockets, is derived from a popular phrase used by bar patrons to describe leaving the bar late at night.

Bloody Nose, Empty Pockets premiered at the Sundance Film Festival in January 2020 and received critical acclaim for its unique approach to storytelling and powerful performances from its non-professional cast. The film was released in select theaters and on digital platforms in July 2020.

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