Blood-C The Last Dark is an anime movie set in futuristic Tokyo, where the city is controlled by the powerful and corrupt politician Fumito Nanahara. The Youth Ordinance Bill has been enforced to regulate the behavior of young people, but a group of rebels called Surat is fighting against this oppression and trying to uncover the truth behind Fumito's power.

The story follows Saya Kisaragi, a high school student who is also a skilled swordswoman and the last of a special breed of creatures called the Elder Bairn, who feed on human blood. Saya joins forces with Surat, determined to take down Fumito and his organization Tower, who are conducting cruel experiments on humans and Elder Bairns alike.

As Saya and the rebels delve deeper into Tower's secrets, they discover the terrifying truth behind Fumito's power and his connection to Saya's past. With the help of her friends and her deadly sword, Saya must confront her own demons to save Tokyo and put an end to Tower's atrocities once and for all.

The movie features stunning action sequences, dark and powerful visuals, and a thought-provoking story that raises questions about power, control, and the consequences of playing God. It is a thrilling and emotional conclusion to the Blood-C anime series, filled with twists and turns that will leave viewers on the edge of their seats.

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