Blood, Sweat and Lies is a psychological thriller that follows the story of a gym junkie named Lauren whose life takes a dangerous turn after she hires a new personal trainer named Kat. Initially, Lauren is thrilled to have found a trainer who is passionate, dedicated, and supportive of her goals. However, as their workouts progress, Lauren starts to notice that Kat is becoming overly obsessed with her personal life.

As their sessions become increasingly intense, Kat starts to push Lauren beyond her limits, both physically and emotionally. She is constantly monitoring her progress and seems to know everything about her life. Lauren starts to feel uncomfortable and tries to distance herself from Kat, but soon realizes that the personal trainer is not someone who takes rejection lightly.

In a series of chilling events, Lauren begins to uncover the dark and twisted secrets of Kat's past, including her true identity and the twisted motivations that drive her fitness obsession. As the threats and manipulations start to pile up, Lauren is forced to confront her personal trainer and fight for her own safety and sanity.

Blood, Sweat and Lies is a gripping tale of obsession, manipulation, and revenge that will keep audiences on the edge of their seats until the very end.

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