Blood Lake is a horror movie from the year 1987. The movie begins with a group of teenagers going on a camping trip near a lake. Unknowingly, they disturb a group of lampreys that have been feeding on the local fish population. The teenagers are attacked and killed by the lampreys.

The next day, the town sheriff investigates the deaths and realizes that something unusual is happening in the lake. The lampreys, now having depleted their food source, begin attacking the town's inhabitants. The sheriff, along with a few brave citizens, try to find a way to stop the lampreys before it's too late.

As the attacks escalate, the town becomes more and more panicked. The residents board up their homes and try to protect themselves as best they can. Meanwhile, the sheriff tries to find a solution. He eventually discovers that the lampreys are attracted to light and that turning off the town's electricity may be the only way to stop them.

The movie is full of suspenseful scenes as the residents of the town try to stay alive while being hunted by the lampreys. It also features gore, including scenes of the lampreys attacking and feeding on humans. Blood Lake has become a cult classic among horror fans for its cheesy special effects and over-the-top acting.

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