Blood Car is a satirical horror-comedy film released in 2007, directed by Alex Orr and starring Mike Brune and Anna Chlumsky. The film is set in a dystopian near-future in the United States, where gas prices have reached an all-time high that makes driving cars economically unfeasible for many Americans. An eccentric schoolteacher named Archie Andrews (Mike Brune) becomes determined to find an alternative fuel source that can power his car and save him from financial ruin.

In his quest, Archie discovers that human blood has the potential to power his engine and drives around in his "blood car" siphoning blood from any willing or unwilling donors he can find. He becomes increasingly obsessed with his invention and teams up with a vegan animal rights activist named Denise (Anna Chlumsky) who becomes his blood supplier.

As Archie's blood car becomes more popular, attracting nationwide media attention, the government and big oil companies try to shut him down, leading to a hilarious and gory showdown. The film ends on a thought-provoking note emphasizing the dire ecological consequences for a society that is willing to go to such lengths to sustain their lifestyles.

Blood Car is a dark, witty satire that pokes fun at America's dependence on oil and the lengths that people are willing to go to maintain their lifestyles. The film is notorious for its irreverent humor and gory visuals, making it a must-see for fans of horror-comedy and dystopian films.

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