Blind Horizon is a psychological thriller film directed by Michael Haussman and starring Val Kilmer, Neve Campbell, and Sam Shepard. The film follows Frank Kavanaugh, a man who wakes up in the desert with no memory of his past or how he ended up there. Frank is discovered by Sheriff Kolb, who takes him to the nearby town of Fate, where a doctor named Thea tries to help him recover his memory.

As Frank begins to regain his memories, he realizes that he is a key witness in a plot to assassinate the President of the United States. However, he is unsure if his memories are accurate or if they are part of a larger conspiracy to manipulate him. Thea and Kolb work together to help Frank uncover the truth before it's too late.

Throughout the film, Frank experiences flashbacks and vivid hallucinations, causing him to question his own sanity. As Frank's memories become clearer, he realizes that he was involved in a political scandal and has information that could bring down a corrupt congressman. The assassin, played by Campbell, is sent to eliminate Frank before he can reveal anything.

Blind Horizon is a suspenseful and thought-provoking film that keeps the audience on the edge of their seats until the very end. The twists and turns in the plot keep viewers guessing, and Kilmer's performance as the troubled protagonist is particularly compelling.

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