Black Rain is a 1989 American action thriller film directed by Ridley Scott and starring Michael Douglas, Andy Garcia, and Ken Takakura. The film follows detectives Nick Conklin and Charlie Vincent, who are tasked with escorting a Yakuza member named Sato back to Japan after he commits a murder in New York City.

Upon arriving in Japan, the detectives are met by Ken Takakura's character, Masahiro Matsumoto, a senior police detective who becomes their liaison. However, Sato manages to escape custody, and the detectives find themselves embroiled in a dangerous game of cat and mouse as they try to track him down.

As they delve deeper into the Japanese Mafia scene, the detectives are forced to confront their own cultural misunderstandings and biases, and must learn to play the game by Japan's own rules if they want to succeed.

The film was praised for its intense action sequences and its depiction of Japanese culture and customs. It was also noted for its strong performances, particularly by Michael Douglas and Ken Takakura, and its atmospheric cinematography. Despite mixed reviews upon its release, Black Rain has since become a cult classic.

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