Black Light

Drama  South Korea 

Black Light is a South Korean thriller film directed by Park Seok-young. The story revolves around the aftermath of a traffic accident that leaves one person dead and another in a coma. Heejoo, the wife of the perpetrator, returns to the town where the accident took place after a long absence. She is surprised to find out that the victim's wife, Youngnam, works at the same factory as she does.

As Heejoo starts to settle down in her new job, she becomes close with Youngnam's daughter, Eunyoung. Through Eunyoung, Heejoo learns new information about the accident and begins to realize that the truth may be much more complicated than she initially thought.

The accident is not a simple case of a driver crossing over the centerline. It is also linked to larger social issues such as the proliferation of dispatched labor and the prevalent problem of industrial accidents. Along with these societal problems, the movie delves into the personal troubles of the characters such as depression and family conflict.

As Heejoo delves deeper into the accident and its aftermath, she finds herself in a moral quandary. Should she reveal what she has learned and risk the repercussions, or should she keep quiet and maintain the status quo?

The movie is a thought-provoking exploration of societal issues and personal conflicts. It features stellar performances from its cast, particularly Lee Si-young as Heejoo and Ra Mi-ran as Youngnam. The intricate plot keeps the audience engaged throughout, and the final reveal is sure to leave viewers shocked and contemplating the complexities of the situation.

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