Black Girl Missing is a drama-thriller film directed by Alexander Etseyatse. It follows Cheryl, a Black mother who is desperately searching for her missing daughter named Amara, who disappears without a trace. However, the police and the media do not take the case seriously and dismiss Amara's disappearance as just another case of a runaway teen.

Cheryl refuses to give up and takes matters into her own hands, investigating on her own and facing the harsh realities of racial biases, injustice and overlooking of Black girls who go missing. She navigates through the streets of the city, confronting people who may have information about her daughter's whereabouts, but soon discovers just how vulnerable she is in the face of systemic racism.

As Cheryl delves deeper into the mystery, she discovers that the case of another missing girl, a white girl named Fiona, has received a far greater amount of attention and media coverage, raising important questions of inequality in society.

The movie also deals with themes of mental health, police brutality, and systemic racism, highlighting the many challenges that Black people face today.

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