Black & White: The Dawn of Assault is a 2012 Taiwanese action-thriller film directed by Tsai Yueh-hsun. The film follows the story of two mismatched partners, Wu Ying-xiong, a fearless police officer, and Chen Zhen-bao, a cunning gangster, who must team up to stop a group of terrorists from carrying out their plan to destroy Harbor City.

The film opens with a gang of criminals attempting to rob a bank but are foiled by Wu Ying-xiong, who is a skilled police officer. Meanwhile, Chen Zhen-bao, a notorious gangster, is released from prison and immediately gets entangled in a turf war with a rival gang. Despite their differences, Wu and Chen end up working together to uncover a plot by a group of terrorists who plan to blow up a nuclear power plant in Harbor City.

As the two partners investigate the case, they encounter various challenges and obstacles, including corrupt officials, double agents, and high-speed car chases. Along the way, they also develop a mutual respect and understanding for each other, transcending their initial prejudices.

The film's action-packed scenes and thrilling plot twists keep audiences on the edge of their seats, building up to a dramatic final showdown between the heroes and the villains. Overall, Black & White: The Dawn of Assault is a thrilling and entertaining film that delivers on all fronts.

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