Bilby is a short animated film created by DreamWorks Animation and released in 2018. It follows the adventures of a bilby, a small marsupial native to Australia's Outback, who is struggling to survive in the harsh and unforgiving environment. One day, he comes across an orphaned baby bird and decides to take him under his wing.

Together, the two unlikely companions embark on a perilous journey across the Outback, dodging deadly predators and overcoming a series of challenges along the way. Along the course of their journey, they develop a deep bond and friendship that helps them overcome even the toughest obstacles.

The film is a heartwarming tale of unlikely friendship, survival, and the power of courage and determination. It is beautifully animated, with stunning visuals that capture the rugged beauty of the Australian wilderness. It is a touching story that is sure to appeal to both children and adults alike.

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