Bigfoot Exorcist Movie Streaming Service

Nightmare Unleashed: The Curse of Bigfoot's Exorcism

Horror  United States of America 

The movie follows Claude as he struggles with his newfound curse, feeling a constant battle raging within him between his human self and the primal, bloodthirsty instincts of the Bigfoot. The violent attacks in the mountains continue, leaving the townspeople terrified and desperate for a solution.

Desperate to find a way to control the beast within him, Claude seeks out the help of the nun, Sister Mary, who is rumored to have extraordinary powers of exorcism. With her guidance, he undergoes a series of grueling rituals and ceremonies in an attempt to rid himself of the curse. But as the full moon approaches, Claude's transformation becomes harder to suppress, and he begins to lose hope of ever being free from the monster inside him.

Meanwhile, the cult that summoned Bigfoot is determined to keep their creation wreaking havoc, and they set out to stop Sister Mary and Claude from breaking the curse. As the final confrontation between Claude and the cult approaches, the fate of the town and Claude's soul hangs in the balance.

The movie is a dark and intense thriller, filled with suspense, horror, and an underlying message about the power of redemption and the struggle between good and evil.

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