Bigfoot Country is a horror-thriller film directed by Jason Mills and written by Mills and actor Justin Arnold. The movie follows a group of hikers who ignore the warnings of their guide, Cain (played by Darren Andrichuk), and venture deeper into the woods. They are in search of a legendary Bigfoot that Cain claims he encountered previously. However, as they progress further into the forest, they realize that they are not alone.

Their fear intensifies as night falls, and they start to hear strange noises, see shadows moving, and have terrifying encounters with trees shaking and hear deep growls. They begin to panic and try to make their way back to civilization, but they are lost. However, they are not alone in the woods as they have unknowingly encroached on the territory of a Sasquatch family.

The group accidentally wounds one of the Sasquatches, and they soon become the target of its vengeful family. The Sasquatches attack them, leaving the group with no option but to fight back. In doing so, they break one of the fundamental rules in Sasquatch country; to leave them alone. The legend says that the Bigfoot species simply wants to be left alone, but when provoked, they will retaliate to protect their territory.

The movie is a suspenseful and intense experience that keeps the audience engaged and on the edge of their seats. With its stunning visuals, atmospheric sound design, and impressive practical effects, Bigfoot Country is a worthy watch for any horror enthusiast looking for a thrilling experience. The cast includes Kiana Passmore, Hans Potter, and Michael Strickland, among others.

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