As Andrew begins to develop human-like qualities, he becomes increasingly curious about the world around him and the meaning of his existence. He creates original artwork, learns to play music, and even begins to write poetry. Meanwhile, the Martins begin to grow attached to Andrew, treating him more as a member of the family than an appliance.

As the years pass, Andrew's desire to become more human grows stronger, leading him to ask the Martins to help him undergo a series of modifications that will grant him the ability to feel emotions more fully. Though the Martins are initially hesitant, they eventually agree to Andrew's request, and he becomes the first robot to gain legal recognition as a human being.

Throughout the film, Andrew struggles with his identity as a robot trying to become human, and faces challenges as society struggles to accept him as a true human being. Despite the obstacles he faces, Andrew never loses sight of his goal, and ultimately realizes his dream of becoming fully human in every sense of the word.

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