Beyond White Space is a sci-fi thriller film directed by Ken Locsmandi. The story follows the captain of a deep space fishing vessel named Richard Bentley, played by Holt McCallany, whose crew is robbed by a gang of space pirates led by a ruthless and cunning leader named Esra, played by Zulay Henao. Determined to get revenge and make profits to sustain his ship, Bentley devises a plan to capture a rare and highly valuable creature called a "Drago" that resides in deep space.

The Drago is believed to be the last surviving member of its species, which has been hunted to near extinction for its valuable bio-matter. Bentley's obsession with capturing the creature leads him and his crew on a dangerous and treacherous journey through deep space as they confront various obstacles, including betrayal from within.

The crew, which includes Bentley’s estranged and rebellious son, Jackson, played by Dave Sheridan, along with Officer Frida, played by Jocko Sims, and Navigator Mary, played by Kodi Kitchen, becomes increasingly divided as the mission becomes more dangerous, and Bentley’s actions seem more reckless. The tension boils over as the crew’s loyalty is tested, and the moral implications of their actions are revealed.

As Bentley's pursuit of the Drago reaches its climax, he realizes the true extent of his obsession and the cost it has on his crew. Ultimately, he must make a difficult decision that will push him to the brink, and his crew to the limit, in a fight for survival in the depths of space.

Beyond White Space is a thrilling, visually stunning film that explores the consequences of unchecked ambition, greed and the human cost of pursuing a singular goal. With stunning effects and a gripping story, Beyond White Space is a must-watch for sci-fi fans and thriller enthusiasts alike.

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