Watch Beyond Movie Streaming

Mystery of the Unraveling Reality

Science Fiction,Animation  N/A 

Beyond is a 2003 animated short film directed by Koji Morimoto and part of The Animatrix collection. The film is set in the Matrix universe and follows a young woman named Yoko who is searching for her missing cat, Yuki. Along with a group of children, Yoko discovers an abandoned building which appears to defy the laws of physics.

As they explore the building, strange things begin to happen, such as walls disappearing and reappearing, objects levitating, and gravity seemingly reversed. The group soon realizes that they are not alone in the building and are being watched by a group of mysterious figures.

As Yoko and the children try to find their way out of the building, they come across a large room filled with glowing orbs. Yoko discovers that the orbs are representations of different versions of herself in alternate realities. She uses this knowledge to escape the building, but not before encountering one of the mysterious figures, who appears to be an agent from the Matrix.

Beyond is a thought-provoking and visually stunning film that explores the concepts of alternate realities and the limits of human perception. The film offers a unique perspective on the Matrix universe, and its combination of stunning animation and intriguing story make it a must-see for fans of the franchise.


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