The movie Beware the Gonzo is a coming-of-age comedy-drama film directed by Bryan Goluboff and starring Ezra Miller as Eddie "Gonzo" Gilman. The film follows Eddie, who is a rebellious student at his prep school, where he writes for the school newspaper. However, when he is fired by the editor, played by Jesse McCartney, Eddie decides to start his own paper called "The Gonzo Files."

Eddie recruits a group of misfits from the school, including his friend and love interest, played by Zoë Kravitz, and together they start a revolution against the popular culture at the school. They publish articles exposing the wrongdoings of the school's administration, including cheating on tests and covering up bullying.

As Eddie gains more power and influence through his newspaper, he begins to struggle with the responsibility and the consequences of his actions. He also faces personal challenges, including his relationship with his estranged father, played by Campbell Scott.

Overall, Beware the Gonzo is a witty and entertaining film that explores themes of integrity, power, and self-discovery. It features a talented cast and a lively soundtrack that complements the film's rebellious spirit.

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