Beware of Dog is a drama film that explores the lives of three young people from different parts of the world, all dealing with personal struggles that intersect in surprising ways. The film follows Natasha, a young woman living in Moscow, who struggles with severe OCD and social anxiety. Despite her condition, Natasha is determined to make a life for herself in the politically-ambiguous city, where she feels increasingly alienated from those around her.

Meanwhile, Natasha's cousin, Lena, has recently moved to Berlin, where she is trying to build a romantic relationship while ignoring her own mental health issues. As Lena becomes more and more involved with her new partner, she starts to realize that her problems can't be ignored forever, and she must confront the demons that have been holding her back.

Finally, in a parallel world in New York City, a heartbroken boxer named Max is struggling with addiction, self-worth, and online anxiety. Max's life is a mess, and he feels like he's hit rock bottom. But when he starts to reach out to others for help, he discovers that his problems are not unique, and that there are people all around him who are willing to help him through his struggles.

As the three storylines converge, the characters begin to realize that their struggles are not isolated, but connected on a universal level. Beware of Dog offers a poignant and thought-provoking exploration of mental health, addiction, and the power of connection in the modern world.

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