
Between Worlds is a supernatural thriller written and directed by Maria Pulera. The movie stars Nicolas Cage as Joe, a broken man haunted by the tragic death of his family. Joe spends his days driving his big rig across the country, trying to numb his pain with alcohol and one-night stands.

One night, Joe meets Julie (played by Franka Potente), a mysterious woman who claims to have a special connection with the spiritual realm. Julie's daughter, Billie, lies in a coma, and Julie believes that her soul has been taken by a malevolent entity known as a "Walk-in."

Desperate to save her daughter, Julie enlists Joe's help in a dangerous and bizarre ritual that involves channeling the spirits of the dead. As Joe and Julie delve deeper into the world of the supernatural, they begin to unravel the secrets of each other's pasts.

Meanwhile, the spirit of Joe's deceased wife, Mary (played by Penelope Mitchell), haunts him in terrifying visions. Mary appears to be trapped between worlds, unable to move on to the afterlife until she has completed some unfinished business with Joe.

As the plot thickens, it becomes clear that the fate of Julie's daughter, Billie, is intertwined with the unfinished business of Joe and Mary. Between Worlds is a suspenseful and eerie ride that explores the boundaries between life and death, love and loss, and the human and supernatural realms.

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