Best in Bed

Comedy  France 

about its plot and characters.

Best in Bed is a French romantic comedy directed by Delphine Dubos and released in 2021. It tells the story of Emma, a young woman in her thirties who starts to obsess over her perceived lack of sexual skills after a couple of unfortunate experiences in bed. Emma is played by Anne Charrier, who portrays her as a disciplined and organized person, with a tendency to overthink and overanalyze everything in her life.

Emma decides to take matters into her own hands and embarks on a mission to become the best lay in Paris. She reads books, watches videos, and even enlists the help of a sex therapist to perfect her technique. Her friends and colleagues are initially supportive of her newfound confidence but soon grow weary of hearing about her sexual exploits and become increasingly uncomfortable with her sexual aggressiveness.

Meanwhile, Emma starts a casual relationship with Vincent, a charming and easy-going bartender played by Pascal Demolon. Vincent is smitten with Emma but feels uneasy with the pressure she puts on herself and their sex life. He tries to tell her that sex is not just about performance, but Emma is too focused on her goal to listen.

As Emma's obsession with becoming the best in bed intensifies, she starts losing touch with herself and her values. She crosses boundaries and hurts people along the way, including her best friend and her boss. Eventually, Emma realizes that her quest for sexual prowess was never about being good in bed but about feeling worthy and loved. She has an epiphany when she sees Vincent singing a love song at a bar and realizes that true intimacy comes from vulnerability and connection.

Best in Bed is a lighthearted and entertaining movie that explores themes of perfectionism, self-acceptance, and the true meaning of intimacy. The film's characters are relatable, flawed, and endearing, and the performances are excellent, especially Anne Charrier's portrayal of Emma's emotional journey.

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