The Austrian psychological thriller film Benny's Video was directed by Michael Haneke and released in 1992. The movie centers around a 14-year-old boy named Benny, who is obsessed with violent movies and has become desensitized to the point where he can no longer differentiate reality from fantasy.

One day, while his parents are away, Benny invites a young girl over to his house, where they watch a violent video together. Benny becomes aroused by the on-screen violence and encourages the girl to participate in a replica of the scene. However, the play-fighting turns real, and Benny ends up killing the girl with a bolt gun.

Instead of calling for help, Benny locks himself in his room and spends the next few days watching the murder on repeat on his video camera. He even films a confession to his parents, saying that he "had to do it" and couldn't resist the urge to act out the violence he sees on film.

When his parents return home, they discover what Benny has done and try to cover up the murder to protect their reputation. Meanwhile, Benny exhibits no remorse for his actions and even seems proud of what he has done.

The film raises questions about the desensitization of violence in our society, particularly with regards to media consumption. It also delves into the harmful influence that parental neglect can have on a young, impressionable mind.

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