Beneath the Darkness is a thriller film directed by Martin Guigui and released in 2011. The plot revolves around a group of teens who live in a small town that is known for its beloved football coach, Ely (played by Dennis Quaid). However, when one of their friends is murdered, they begin to suspect that the coach is not the hero everyone thinks he is.

The main character, Travis (played by Tony Oller), is devastated by the loss of his friend and becomes obsessed with finding out who the killer is. He enlists the help of his girlfriend, Abby (played by Aimee Teegarden), and their two friends, Danny and Brian (played by Stephen Lunsford and Devon Werkheiser), to investigate.

As they dig deeper, they start to uncover a dark secret about the coach's past and become convinced that he is the killer. However, the coach is highly respected in the town, and no one believes their accusations. The teens soon find themselves in grave danger as the coach begins to target them one by one.

The film is a tense thriller with a lot of suspenseful moments, as the teens try to stay one step ahead of the killer while also trying to convince the town of the coach's guilt. It also delves into themes of grief, friendship, and the dark side of small-town hero worship.

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