Bending All The Rules is a romantic comedy film directed by Morgan Simpson and Peter Knight. The story revolves around Kenna, a single photographer who is finally getting her own exhibition. However, she realizes that her love life is not as satisfactory as her professional life. Her two friends, Jeff and Martin, are interested in her and want to win her heart.

Jeff is a sensitive man who cares about Kenna and supports her in everything she does. He tries to be the perfect gentleman and respects her opinions and choices. On the other hand, Martin is a strong-willed man who is determined to get what he wants. He tries to impress Kenna by showing his strength and masculinity.

As Kenna navigates through her complicated love life, she realizes that she is drawn to Jeff's sensitivity and caring nature, but is also attracted to Martin's boldness and confidence. She must choose between them and decide what kind of love she truly wants.

The film explores the themes of love, choosing between two different types of partners, and the challenges faced by a modern woman balancing her personal and professional life. The movie stars Colleen Porch as Kenna and David Gail as Martin and also features appearances from Bradley Cooper and David Carradine. Bending All The Rules is an entertaining romantic comedy that will keep you guessing until the very end.

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