Benched follows the story of Don (John C. McGinley), a legendary baseball coach who has been forced to retire due to his health. After reluctantly taking a job as an assistant coach for a high school baseball team, Don is paired with an inexperienced Michael (Garret Dillahunt), who has no prior coaching experience.

The two coaches clash at first, with Don scoffing at Michael's lack of knowledge and experience. However, over time, the two begin to bond as they work together to help their team win. Don teaches Michael the ins and outs of coaching, while Michael helps Don navigate his new role as an assistant coach and deal with his health issues.

As the season progresses, the team begins to improve under the guidance of Don and Michael. However, they face tough competition from a rival school, and tension arises between the two coaches as they struggle to come up with a winning strategy.

Ultimately, Don and Michael must put their differences aside and work together to help their team win the championship game. Along the way, they learn valuable lessons about teamwork, perseverance, and the importance of putting the needs of the team above their own.

Filled with heartwarming moments, thrilling baseball action, and standout performances from its cast, Benched is a touching and inspiring sports drama that will leave viewers cheering for the underdogs.

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