
Comedy,Drama  Australia 

Dougie is a skilled grifter who spends most of his time on the darknet, hacking into people's personal information and stealing their identities. One day, he is approached by a government agent who offers him a job as a security guard at a refugee detention center. Dougie reluctantly accepts the job, thinking it will be an easy way to make some extra cash.

However, once inside the detention center, Dougie discovers that things are not as they seem. The detainees are being held against their will and are forced to fight each other for the entertainment of the staff and inmates. The fights are brutal and often end in death.

At first, Dougie is hesitant to get involved, but as he gets to know some of the detainees, he starts to feel guilty about the role he is playing in their suffering. When Azad, a young man who has become a favorite among the staff, is killed in the ring, Dougie decides to take action.

With the help of a sympathetic nurse named Lily, Dougie begins to investigate the underground operation that is running the fights. He discovers that the organizers are using blackmail to force the detainees into fighting and that they have connections at the highest levels of government.

Risking his own safety, Dougie teams up with a group of detainees to plan a rebellion against their captors. The plan is risky, but they are determined to win their freedom and expose the corruption that has allowed the detention center to exist.

In the end, Dougie and the detainees are able to overpower their captors and escape the detention center. Dougie may have started out as a grifter looking for an easy payday, but in the end, he finds his conscience and becomes a hero to those he once helped to oppress.

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