Bella Mafia is a made-for-television movie that aired in 1997. It is based on the novel of the same name by Lynda La Plante. The movie revolves around the story of Don Roberto Luciano, a Mafia boss, who after being diagnosed with a terminal illness, turns informer to the FBI. He agrees to testify against his former associates in the biggest Mafia trial in history, in exchange for immunity and protection for his family.

However, Don Roberto's decision to turn informer sets off a chain of events that results in tragic consequences for his family. His wife, daughters, and son-in-law are all targeted by the remaining Mafia members, who seek revenge for his betrayal.

The story takes place over a period of several years and follows the struggles of Don Roberto's widow, Graziella, and her daughters, Rosa, Maria, and Theresa, as they try to rebuild their lives and protect themselves from the Mafia's retaliation. They are forced to move to a different city, change their names, and adopt new identities, but the Mafia seems to be always one step ahead of them.

The movie is a gripping tale of loyalty, betrayal, and family love set against the backdrop of the Mafia's brutal world. It features strong performances from the cast, including Vanessa Redgrave as Graziella, Jennifer Tilly as Rosa, and Dennis Farina as Don Roberto. The direction and cinematography beautifully capture the mood and atmosphere of the story. Overall, Bella Mafia is a well-crafted drama that keeps the viewers hooked until the very end.

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