The movie follows Andy (Philip Seymour Hoffman) and Hank (Ethan Hawke), two brothers struggling with financial difficulties and personal demons. In a desperate attempt to make some quick cash, they plan to rob their parents' jewelry store, believing it will be a victimless crime.

However, the robbery goes awry, and their mother is shot and killed. The incident sets off a chain reaction of lies, betrayal, and violence, as the brothers and their family members try to cope with the aftermath.

As the police investigation deepens, skeletons from the family's past start to emerge, leading to further tension and conflict. Meanwhile, Andy and Hank struggle to deal with their guilt and the realization that they may be responsible for tearing their family apart.

Before the Devil Knows You're Dead is a dark and intense thriller that explores themes of family, greed, and the consequences of our actions. Directed by Sidney Lumet and featuring a strong ensemble cast, including Marisa Tomei and Albert Finney, the film received critical acclaim for its gripping plot and powerful performances.

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