Beetlejuice is a 1988 American comedy-fantasy film directed by Tim Burton and starring Michael Keaton, Alec Baldwin, Geena Davis, and Winona Ryder. The film follows the story of Adam and Barbara Maitland, a young couple who die in a car accident and find themselves haunting their former home in Connecticut. When the Deetz family moves in and begins renovating the house, the Maitlands attempt to scare them away without success.

Desperate for help, the Maitlands turn to the title character, Beetlejuice, a mischievous and crude poltergeist who claims to be an exorcist. However, Beetlejuice proves to be more trouble than he's worth, as he becomes obsessed with marrying the Deetz's teenage daughter Lydia and causing chaos throughout the town.

As the situation gets out of control, the Maitlands and Lydia team up to stop Beetlejuice before he can cause any more harm. The film is known for its quirky characters, imaginative set design, and dark humor, and has become a cult classic in the years since its release.

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