Bedtime Stories is a comedy-fantasy film directed by Adam Shankman and is released in 2008. Adam Sandler is the lead character in the movie, playing the role of Skeeter Bronson, a former hotel maintenance worker who now works as a handyman, as well as overseeing the janitorial staff.

One day, Skeeter's sister Wendy asks him to stay with her children: Bobbi and Patrick, while she goes on a job interview out of town. Skeeter agrees, and he decides to tell the kids bedtime stories. However, Skeeter's imagination works in mysterious ways, leading the stories to become real.

Every time Skeeter invents a new bedtime story, the characters and situations that he comes up with materialize in real life. For instance, the kids love hearing about a cowboy who battles a fire-breathing unicorn. The next morning, they wake up to find a blacksmith, a cowboy, and a unicorn right outside their house.

As Skeeter's stories become more popular, he finds himself caught up in a web of incredible adventures, all of which take place in the real world. With the help of his friends and co-workers, Skeeter sets out to control these stories and sets off on a fantastical journey of his own.

Throughout the movie, Skeeter encounters many surprising twists and turns as he navigates the mysterious world of his imagination. In the end, he learns an important lesson about the power of his own thoughts and how they can influence his own life, as well as the lives of those around him.

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