Beautiful Voice Movie Rating

Beyond the Glass: Voice Heroes in Space

Comedy  South Korea 

The poor voice actors, consisting of four men and one woman, are struggling to get by in the competitive world of dubbing. They are constantly under pressure from their boss who gives them unrealistic deadlines and screams at them whenever they make a mistake. They have no choice but to endure the constant stress and work long hours just to make ends meet.

One day, they receive a project that needs to be completed in just one day. They are all exhausted and frustrated, but they know they can't afford to lose their job. So, they buckle down and start dubbing the movie, taking turns to drink coffee and eat snacks in between takes.

As they reach the climax of the movie, something strange happens. One of the voice actors accidentally hits a button on the soundboard, and suddenly they find themselves transported to space. At first, they are terrified and confused, but then they realize that they have become the characters that they have been dubbing.

They are now a team of space adventurers, on a mission to save the universe from an evil alien race. They are equipped with special powers and gadgets that they never knew they had, and they quickly learn to work together as a team.

As they face danger and challenges in their new form, they begin to realize their own strength and resilience. They overcome their insecurities and become the heroes they always wanted to be.

When they finally return to Earth, they are different people. They stand up to their boss and demand respect, and they appreciate their work and each other more than ever before. They are no longer just poor voice actors, they are now the heroes of their own story.


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